End-to-End Entity Linking on Bangla Newspapers and Wikipedia Data.
Blockchain based Integrated Application for Forged Elimination of Hiring System using Hyperledger Fabric 2.x
Sylheti Nagri Language Recognition Using OCR & NLP Technique.
A Deep Learning Approach to Detect Plagiarism in Bengali Textual Content using Similarity Algorithms.
BL-NERC: An Introduction to Bengali Literature Named Entity Recognition Corpus.
Brain anomalies detction based on MRI data using Deep learning and tensorflow
Paddy leaf disease detection and classification using deep learning algorithm
Blockchain Interoperability For Secure Drug Supply Management.
A Contrast Between the Bilateral, Average, Median and Gaussian Filters for Image Denoising
An Automatic System for Identifying and Categorizing Tribal Clothing Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Sylheti Nagri Language Detection Using Deep Learning
Several Persley dieases detection, segmentation, and classification using CNN Model.
Deep Learning based vehicles detection in the foggy weather
End-to-End Entity Linking on Bangla Newspapers and Wikipedia Data.
Blockchain based Integrated Application for Forged Elimination of Hiring System using Hyperledger Fabric 2.x
Sylheti Nagri Language Recognition Using OCR & NLP Technique.
A Deep Learning Approach to Detect Plagiarism in Bengali Textual Content using Similarity Algorithms.
BL-NERC: An Introduction to Bengali Literature Named Entity Recognition Corpus.
Brain anomalies detction based on MRI data using Deep learning and tensorflow
Paddy leaf disease detection and classification using deep learning algorithm
Blockchain Interoperability For Secure Drug Supply Management.
A Contrast Between the Bilateral, Average, Median and Gaussian Filters for Image Denoising
An Automatic System for Identifying and Categorizing Tribal Clothing Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Sylheti Nagri Language Detection Using Deep Learning
Several Persley dieases detection, segmentation, and classification using CNN Model.
Deep Learning based vehicles detection in the foggy weather